Monday, June 9, 2014

I know that death does not exist because of my work as a medium.

One of my driving frustrations as a young man was that when trying to grasp the purpose of life or death I was repeatedly assured that one must simply have faith.

That frustration became my primary motivation in life. That motivation, in turn, drove me to explore the mysterious, and, in time, I found myself a medium for spirit. [See the About section at]

However, you, dear reader, probably do not know as an absolute that death indeed does not exist except through your faith. And please do not misunderstand me, your faith can be good and plenty, not to mention, powerful.

Nevertheless, it is my hope that this article, together with similar (see Oct. 20 post of article, "Bold Scientists Say: PROOF Soul Exists"), gives succor to your search and additional foundation to your faith.